But Rick, What About Solomon's 500 Wives?
This Is A Moral Issue, Not A Political One - Huh?
Pastor Rick Warren thinks that traditional marriage - one man, one woman - has been around for 5000 years. And that all the countries of the world observed traditional marriage for 5000 years. This kind of leaves King Solomon out of the picture. And Mormons. And, well, a LOT of people.
There is a resource on societies past and present: the Ethnographic Atlas Codebook. It notes 1231 societies. Of them, only 186 were monogamous, 453 had occasional polygyny (polygamy) 588 had more frequent polygyny, and 4 had polyandry (multiple husbands). There were also group marriages.
From where does Warren get his history, ethnography and demographics? Disneyland? "Only 2 percent" of America is gay, is so bogus that only Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would believe it! Warren covers his ass with one statement: that Proposition 8 is a moral issue and not a political one. That way he can support Proposition 8 and still keep his tax-exempt status.
What he fails to mention is that civil rights are always both moral AND political. Equality is both moral and political. And if only one person is discriminated against, it is simply - wrong in both senses. Warren fails miserably as "The Good Shepard."
In his supportive commercial below, notice that Warren still tries to look cool to his flock.

In his supportive commercial below, notice that Warren still tries to look cool to his flock.
He isn't.
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