Is Palin Dangerously Over The Edge - According to Dobson - or Is She "Super Mom!" ?

Dobson "Waffles" on Palin
James Dobson of Focus On The Family fame waffled against his own theory when talking about Sarah Palin on Laura Ingraham's radio show. When asked about the burden of having a family and juggling the Vice Presidency, Dobson had this to say:
DOBSON: I think that is her choice. That’s a personal matter that’s in her own family. And she seems to be doing it well. She loves her kids, she loves her family. … When she was elected governor, she eliminated the position of chef at the mansion because she wanted to do the cooking for her own family. I mean, this is a very unique, special lady.
DR. DOBSON: Some women are able to maintain a busy career and a bustling family at the same time, and they do it beautifully. I admire them for their discipline and dedication. It has been my observation, however, that this dual responsibility is a formula for exhaustion and frustration for many others. It can be a never-ending struggle for survival. …On weekends, there’s housecleaning to do, clothes to be ironed and pants to be mended. … A little push in any direction and she could go over the edge.
If Palin should win (aaargh!) I can just see the headlines 6 months after the inauguration:
Sarah Palin Murders Entire Family With NRA Trophy!
Claims Voice In Her Head Was God's
Sorry, Dr. Dobson, you can't have it both ways. Either Sarah Palin will be a super mother or a super Vice President. One of the two has to suffer. If she gets elected, however, I think we all will suffer.
Just a thought.
Sorry, Dr. Dobson, you can't have it both ways. Either Sarah Palin will be a super mother or a super Vice President. One of the two has to suffer. If she gets elected, however, I think we all will suffer.
Just a thought.
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