Hearst, Kane or Rupert: Which One Has Given Us the Most Biased News Coverage?
Frederick Remington, the famous sculptor of cowboys and horses, once worked for William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. Remington was commissioned to sketch scenes of the Spanish-American War, but after several weeks in Cuba, Remington saw no war to sketch and wired Hearst with the request to return home. Hearst wired back:
"You provide the pictures. I'll provide the war."
Some people might think that George Bush provided the media with Iraq. He did. However, which media accepted his views unconditionally? Behold:
O'Reilly must have been crushed! Spurned! Insulted! Actually he was lucky, considering what's coming out about the White House today. McClellan was being very kind.
Yes, it's running joke about Fox News making things up as they go along. Who do they have as an investigative journalist? Geraldo? Although Rivera wouldn't admit it, he hasn't done much of anything as an unbiased journalist since, well, "Al Capone's Vaults." Fox News concentrates more on the salacious than the meaningful:
This is ThinkProgress.com's take on what Fox decides to report on:
Fox News has decided which story is worthy of more coverage. Today, host Gregg Jarrett interviewed PBS’s Bonnie Erbe. “We have these huge stories going on like the one you’re reporting in Georgia,” Erbe noted when asked about Edwards. Jarrett, however, completely ignored Erbe’s comment on Georgia and continued to talk about Edwards, offering praise for the National Enquirer:
JARRETT: You know, his excuse for lying is absolutely stunning. He claims he denied the affair because the reporting by the National Enquirer was “99 percent wrong.” Well, so far, they’ve been about 100 percent right.
Throughout the segment, Jarrett refused to talk about anything except for Edwards’s affair:
ERBE: The American public have told pollsters, this political season they want substance. Both these candidates have expressed support for allowing Georgia into NATO. … We could have been on the verge of nuclear war. Those are the kinds of the things that the American public wants to see discussed.
JARRETT: Right. You know, but getting back to Edwards, during the Monica Lewinsky affair, Edwards absolutely ripped into Bill Clinton.
Ratings. Viewers. Readership.
Look at them. Then look at them again.
Then decide.
Just a thought.

Watch the following: a Fox reporter argues the point that a 15-year-old "maybe deserved to be tortured."
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