Dick Cheney: Scandals Up, Approval Ratings Down - Past Dan Quayle Level
Oh, The Humiliation!
He's Even Lower Than Dan Quayle!
He's Even Lower Than Dan Quayle!
For years, I thought George Bush was really Dan Quayle in disguise. Of course, that is an insult to Quayle. But now, Dan Quayle has something to chirp about (since quayle don't crow): a new scandal may push Dick Cheney down past Quayle's dismal approval rating!
Newsweek reports that in a conversation “secretly tape-recorded by the FBI on June 25, 2006,” Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) “discussed ways to get a pipeline bill through the Alaska Legislature with Bill Allen, an oil-services executive accused of providing the senator with about $250,000 in undisclosed financial benefits.” Stevens promised Allen, “I’m gonna try to see if I can get some bigwigs from back here and say, ‘Look … you gotta get this done’.” Two days later, Vice President Cheney undertook the unusual move of writing a letter to the Alaska Legislature urging members to “promptly enact” a bill to build the pipeline.
NYT July 7, 2007:Immunity Is Cheney personally immune to all of the links to skullduggery? Doesn't he care what people think? Crazy me to even ask such a question. One look at Cheney and you realize that he really doesn't care much about anything. Even in 2004, when Kerry made an inocuous comment about Mary Cheney's sexual orientation, Lynne Cheney blew up, the press ate it up and Dick Cheney didn't look as if he felt much of anything.Vice President Dick Cheney’s popularity has hit an all-time low, with recent polling by The New York Times and CBS News suggesting that he has replaced Dan Quayle as the most unpopular vice president in recent history.
An extremely secretive man who shows bursts of anger but only spots of passion can be a very dangerous person: to look at Cheney is to ask: "What is he NOT telling us?" He is scheming the grand coup de tat, isn't he?
A note on Dan Quayle
He does have a somewhat strange legacy: read this from wikipedia:
The United States Vice Presidential Museum at the Dan Quayle Center is the only Vice Presidential museum in the United States. It is located in Huntington, Indiana, one of the towns where Dan Quayle grew up. The Museum is downtown in a renovated church, the former First Church of Christ, Scientist, Huntington, Indiana, and has two floors, the first featuring the history of all the Vice Presidents, and the second housing memorabilia and a theater.
And one last quote I couldn't resist, by the inimitable John Cleese:
If life were fair, Dan Quayle would be making a living asking "Do you want fries with that?"

Now, come on, do you actually think he wrote it?
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