Who Put a Fire Under The Diplomatic Dimwit?
Then Again, Maybe Halliburton Needs New Clients
There are some people besides Bush who must desperately want him to have a "legacy". But who?
U.S. to establish presence in Tehran: report
Wed Jul 16, 7:05 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - The United States will announce in the next month that it plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years, a British newspaper said on Thursday.
In a front-page report, the Guardian said Washington would open a U.S. interests section in the Iranian capital, halfway towards opening an embassy.
The unsourced report by the newspaper's Washington correspondent said: "The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a U.S. interests section in Tehran, a halfway house to setting up a full embassy.
"The move will see US diplomats stationed in the country."
The Guardian said the development was "a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush who has pursued a hawkish approach to Iran throughout his time in office."
On Sunday, President Amhmoud Ahmadinejad suggested Iran would consider any proposal by the United States for a U.S. interests section in the Islamic Republic, should one be forthcoming.
U.S. media have reported that the State Department is considering opening an interests section that could mean U.S. diplomats returning to Tehran but operating under another country's flag.
This story has to go down in history as one of America's craziest turnabouts. Was it Obama's statement that he would be willing to meet with Iran? Hey, Obama had the idea first! Nyah nyah! What does McCain think of having to be nicey-nice with a part of "The Axis of Evil"?
OMG! What will Rev. Rod Parsley think? After all, America was founded to destroy Islam, not be (eeeeew!) diplomatic with it. If the Democrats had any political saavy at all, they'd come right out and say, "Why wasn't this done before? Nancy Pelosi goes to Syria and invokes a Republican outcry. You stupid hypocrites!"
But they won't. Damn. It HAD to be someone else's idea: Bush can't turn around that fast. Is that diabolical Karl Rove in on it for some reason?
What would an American Embassy in Iran look like?
We'd have to impress Iran with our own inimitable style:

Then , of course, there's our tasteful holiday decorations:

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