THE WAR IS OVER!! John McCain Says So!
Talk About Spin! Are You Dizzy Yet?
From The Washington Independent:
I repeat my statement that we have succeeded in Iraq. Not we are succeeding. We have succeeded in Iraq. The strategy has worked and we now have the Iraqi government and military in charge in the major cities in Iraq. Al Qaeda is on their heels and on the run, but the success that we have achieved is still fragile and could be reversed, and it’s still – if we do what Sen. Obama wants to do, then all of that could be reversed and we could face again the chaos, increased Iranian influence and American loss and defeat.WTF!?! Sorry, it's just that I can't conceive of such a statement coming from this person. I really can't. He's either putting a bizarre spin on his "100 years" statement or he's lost it completely.
And we'd better hope that it's not just a "senior moment."
"Al Qaeda is on their heels and on the run" - sure, to Afghanistan. And if we pull out, where's the "American loss"? This is unreal. Please, someone, tell me that we are not dealing with this.
Would McCain be as big a diplomatic dimwit as Bush? That's not possible, but it may be McCain's real goal. Who knows?

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