Prepare to Disbelieve: When Eve Folicked With a Brontosaurus
Were Up To Their Usual Tricks!
The Creation Museum's motto is "Prepare to Believe". But think of it, That means wiping your mind clean of everything: making a blank slate and, above all, not questioning ANYTHING. Preparing to believe is rather like preparing to become a zombie. Maybe the Creation Museum will be able to employ full-time hypnotists: "I command you to believe!"
(London Times, May 27, 2007)
The $27 million (£14 million) exhibition is funded by evangelical Christians, who apparently believe that by reclaiming dinosaurs and fossils for their literal biblical interpretation of natural history, teenagers are less likely to look at internet pornography or get pregnant out of wedlock.
This sprawling 50-acre (20hectare) site is the latest effort to counter the evolutionary science taught in state schools that Answers in Genesis, the religious group behind the museum, claims has chipped away at the nation’s moral fabric.
It uses much of the same technology seen in mainstream museums. There are realistic moving, roaring dinosaurs and a lifesized model of a ship being built by animatronic craftsmen. In this corner of northern Kentucky the dinosaurs get to go on the ship, which happens to be none other than Noah’s Ark.
Eugenie Scott, director of the National Centre for Science Education, calls the museum “the creationist Disneyland”. Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist at Case Western Reserve University, accuses it of spreading “documented lies”. The nature of the science process that's presented at the Answers in Genesis museum is very different from how science is really done by real scientists," said Eugenie Scott, executive director of the Oakland, Calif., group, which promotes the teaching of evolution in the classroom.(From National Post, April 14, 2008 - Toronto)
Whatever its virtues, the Creation Museum doesn’t always exhibit Christian charity. It features a display of villains that includes Charles Templeton (1915-2001), a Canadian well-known two decades ago as a broadcaster, editor and author. In his youth he was a hugely successful preacher; together he and Billy Graham preached to vast congregations. Then Templeton lost his faith, by reading too much. Later he wrote Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith.
Testimonials in favor of the MuseumA.R., teacher, B.A in Psychology—I am so glad your ministry exists! I heard Ken Ham speak at the FACCS convention in Oct. 2007 and I have not been the same. I teach junior high science (earth and space) and I have made it my mission this year to educate the students on the facts and how to defend their faith! I have been using many of the AIG resources to make this possible! Thank you for helping me!
J.L., teacher/minister(ab theo and BS industrial education)—I'm a high school teacher,teaching values and bible class..I am thankful to you that you opened our minds to biblical creation.
Below is a collage of thoughts on Creationism, Intelligent Design, etc. At the very bottom is the captivating scene where Spencer Tracy confronts Frederick March in Inherit the Wind. It's one of the most compelling reasons for belief in evolution.

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