Yes or No: Does the President Have the Power to Order Torture of Detainees or their Children?
Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No?
Neither David Addington nor John Yoo answered the questions put to them by the House Judiciary subcommittee. Addington looked quite arrogant and Yoo looked like a simpleton. The questions wereactually simple "yes" or "no" questions. The framework of all the questions: Does

America always wants to believe the best of their President, so when no one will answer direct questions, they are extremely disappointed. After all, if these guys won't directly defend their President, why should we?
Amidst all the secrecy and lies that Americans have endured for the past eight years, you'd think that Bush's own lawyers would be able to frame answers better than the non-answers they gave. Are they actually as dumb as Bush? That isn't possible is it?
Bush's favorite hangout
Of course, during these difficult times, the American public should itself a question:
Who Would Jesus Torture?
Who Would Jesus Torture?
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