James Dobson on Barack Obama: Hypocrisy Incarnate!!

Did you get that? Or am I sitting here on this hard rock for nuthin'?
Especially When It Comes To Interpretation of The Bible
Today, James the Holy, James The Just, James the Family Guy Dobson lambasted Barack Obama in ludicrous fashion. Read the AP piece sent out last night about it:
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - As Barack Obama broadens his outreach to evangelical voters, one of the movement's biggest names, James Dobson, accuses the likely Democratic presidential nominee of distorting the Bible and pushing a "fruitcake interpretation" of the Constitution.
The criticism, to be aired Tuesday on Dobson's Focus on the Family radio program, comes shortly after an Obama aide suggested a meeting at the organization's headquarters here, said Tom Minnery, senior vice president for government and public policy at Focus on the Family.
The conservative Christian group provided The Associated Press with an advance copy of the pre-taped radio segment, which runs 18 minutes and highlights excerpts of a speech Obama gave in June 2006 to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal. Obama mentions Dobson in the speech.
"Even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?" Obama said. "Would we go with James Dobson's or Al Sharpton's?" referring to the civil rights leader.
Dobson took aim at examples Obama cited in asking which Biblical passages should guide public policy — chapters like Leviticus, which Obama said suggests slavery is OK and eating shellfish is an abomination, or Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, "a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application."
"Folks haven't been reading their Bibles," Obama said.
Dobson and Minnery accused Obama of wrongly equating Old Testament texts and dietary codes that no longer apply to Jesus' teachings in the New Testament.
"I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology," Dobson said.
"... He is dragging biblical understanding through the gutter."
Are you through gaping at the text? "His own confused theology?" Dobson really needs to take his 18 plastic honorary doctorates from Bible thumper schools and stick them all where the sun doesn't shine! Here's a former child phychologist (hasn't practiced in umpteen years) and leading Christofascist who has the entire holiness code of Leviticus sewn into every one of his hideous sportcoats so that he can use the Bible as a weapon against people, in particular, gay people. "Wrongly equating Old Testament texts" with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament is what Dobson and Focus on the Family are all about!! He should say that all of Leviticus should be thrown out, but he won't say that because it contains the most important AK-47 against homosexuals that Dobson has: "Thou shalt not lie with a man..."It's his own worldview and interpretation that are, (sorry) F***ED. Dobson's exegesis always turns Leviticus into Leviticaca. Obama's statement are on target: Leviticus was always quoted by Southern Dixiecrats in favor of slavery. And yes, the Sermon on the Mount is Radical with a capital "R": it contains injunctions such as "resist not evil", "turn the other cheek" the Golden Rule", "judge not, lest you be judged" AND the sermon is one of the main sources of Christian Pacifism! Dobson's interpretation? I shudder to think of "Dare to Discipline" Dobson's interpretation of "turn the other cheek". And to him, the Golden Rule turns out to be Iron Rule in the worst Christofascist sense.
Senator Obama touched on a very thorny issue about Dobson when he spoke about expelling every non-Christian, because that is precisely what Dobson wishes he would live long enough to see.
Readers know that I don't normally go on a rant like this, but this blatant hypocrisy is just too much for anyone to bear. If Obama backs down on his (Dobson's) comments, I may lose some respect for him, but knowing the American public and knowing that Christofascists are powerful...
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