But First, Let's Get Together and Look Intelligent!
The piece below was put out today by the Family Research Council. It looks so authentic, so righteous, so...stupid.
Answering the Assault
As local organizations start mobilizing their troops to the front lines of marriage in California, FRC is launching a national effort to educate the public to the damage this ruling may do to democracy, the family, and religious freedom. Together with a broad coalition of pro-family allies, FRC has planned a strategic series of panel discussions on the implications of the California supreme court decision for the nation. Tomorrow, we'll kick off the event at the National Press Club with legal and policy experts such as Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund, Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel, FRC's own Ken Blackwell, and more. More people must recognize that this epidemic of judicial activism has sweeping consequences for children, businesses, the legal system, and every other facet of society. If you live or work in the nation's capital, we encourage you to join us at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at 529 14th Street, NW for "California Same-Sex Marriage: Answering the Assault on Family and Society." To RSVP, call 1-800-225-4008 or visit our website at www.frc.org. If you cannot attend, please log onto our site Thursday afternoon for video of the panel discussion. O.K., we'll be watching. The "panel" as described, is made up of Pat Robertson and old Jerry Falwell legal goons. And this promises to be not just an indictment of gays, but outright insult-fest of California. Because, as everyone knows, California's values are liberal, profligate, atheistic values. To even think of stepping into that den of iniquity means you'll fry in
But the series of panel discussions promises to be soooo intelligent and enlightening!!
Don't count on it. If Perkins is the one hosting it, you can be sure the style will be like his prose: obnoxiously righteous, frequently mispelled and just this side of functionally illiterate.
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