What Would Uncle Walter Say? McCain and the Media!
Cronkite might recuse himself
When he was anchoring for CBS Walter Cronkite never injected the news with any inkling of a personal opinion. So how would he cover today's presidential race?
He wouldn't. The application of today's religious views to politics would have forced him to defer to another anchor. The man who covered Viet Nam and the assasinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK would have loathed today's politial scene - too much to appear unbiased:
(In his endorsement of InterFaith Alliance)

He wouldn't have thought much about John McCain's reversals either, from "agents of intolerance", to speeches at Liberty Uniersity and endorseents by televangelists. McCain even did an about-face yesterday involving the press itself:
Think Progress: McCain Hosts His ‘Base’ for a BBQ: The ‘Maverick’ and the Press Are Back Together Again (3/3/08) by Benjamin J. Armbruster
When the New York Times reported on John McCain’s "unethical relationships with lobbyists, McCain banished reporters... to the back of his campaign airplane." But in an attempt to "woo the reporters" back, McCain invited campaign journalists to "a 'thank you' cookout on Sunday... at his vacation home." According to Armbruster, his "latest 'charm offensive'... may have paid off."
The senator always chalks his reversals up to "not holding a grudge." But who else is he pulling off a "charm offensive" on (or for)? Key words in his speeches and communications to watch out for: Bible, apocalyptic, sinful, grace are just a few. And for the hawks our country there will be more military rhetoricc than could ever possibly hope for.
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